These books are an inspiration to Bart De Backer
Books are an additional source of inspiration for me. The new things I learn from them I apply daily.
These works are in my desk always within reach, mean a lot to me and I can recommend them to everyone :
7 Habits of highly effective people - Stephen R Covey
7 Habits of highly effective teens - Sean Covey
Live life in crescendo - Stephen R Covey
Miracle Morning - Hal Elrod
Live happily without worry - Dale Carnegie
How to make friends and influence people - Dale Carnegie
NLP @ work - Sue Knight
Provocative Therapy - Frank Farrelly
Clean Language - Wendy Sullivan and Judy Rees
Start with why - Simon Sinek
The infinite game - Simon Sinek
Eat, move, sleep - Tom Rath
Strengthsfinder - Tom Rath
Life's great question - Tom Rath
The courage of imperfection - Brene Brown
The power of vulnerability - Brene Brown
Flow - Creativity - Mihaly Czikszentmihalyi
The boy, the mole, the fox and the horse - Charlie Mackesy
Speed of Trust - Stephen MR Covey